DIY Cucumber Face Toner And Eye Mask

We all know cucumber is very beneficial to our health. So we include it in our salads and our diets. But you don’t only have to consume cucumber to get the benefits.

You can also use cucumber directly on your skin, as cucumber can be very useful for the skin. Below, we will list some of the ways through which cucumber can help your skin.

Benefits of cucumber for the skin

  1. Cucumber hydrates and revitalizes the skin
  2. It also shrinks your pores and tightens loose skin.
  3. It moisturizes the skin and makes it soft and smooth
  4. It reduces fine lines and fades wrinkles.
  5. Cucumber can also be used as an astringent to help relieve minor skin irritation and reduce oily skin.
  6. It also hydrates and revitalizes the skin.
  7. Also, it is cool and refreshing on the skin. It helps reduce facial redness and can also be used to soothe insect bites and sunburn.
  8. Using the cucumber face toner also helps to remove dead skin cells and rejuvenate the skin.
  9. It soothes puffy eyes.
  10. Cucumber also lightens the skin, so it can help get rid of hyperpigmentation and dark circles around the eyes.

How to use cucumber for skin

There are several ways to use cucumber for your skin. You can include cucumber in your homemade face masks or use it as a face toner.

Although you can always get ready made cucumber toner at the store, you can easily make your own at home and it takes less than 15 minutes to do.

Homemade face toners are all-natural and make your skin feel rejuvenated. It also helps in maintaining the pH balance of the skin.

natural cucumber facial toner

Procedure for DIY cucumber face toner

Take 1 fresh cucumber and wash it. Cut it into smaller pieces and blend it into a smooth paste. Strain the juice using a strainer. Don’t throw away the residue after straining.

Cut your lemon into two and squeeze one half into the cucumber juice. One trick to get the lemon juice flowing is to heat it for less than ten seconds in the microwave.

Now add 3 teaspoonfuls of rose water and stir. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle for use. That’s it, your cucumber face toner is done and ready for use.

This cucumber toner contains lemon, so it is advisable to use it at night when going to bed. Also, you can choose to peel the cucumber first but unpeeled cucumber contains a lot more nutrients than a peeled cucumber.

How to use cucumber face toner

There are several ways to use your cucumber toner. You can close your eyes and spray it all over your face. Then give it a few minutes to dry. Remember to keep your eyes closed when spraying because this recipe contains lemon.

You can also put a few drops in a cotton ball and use it to wipe your face. This also helps to get rid of any dirt you might have on your face and completely remove makeup residue.

Procedure for DIY eye mask

Remember the cucumber residue you weren’t supposed to throw away? Yeah, you can use that as an eye mask.

Cucumber eye mask, can relieve your eyes off stress and also help get rid of dark circles around your eyes.

You can simply cut a fresh cucumber into round pieces and put them on your eyes. But cucumber is so useful to be just thrown away after straining. So you can use the residue as an eye mask.

Get a tissue paper and put the cucumber residue on it and fold it. Put it in the fridge for some time to chill. Now you can relax and put your chilled cucumber eye mask on your eyes.

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DIY Cucumber Face Toner

DIY cucumber face toners are all-natural and make your skin feel rejuvenated. It also helps in maintaining the pH balance of the skin.
Prep Time15 minutes
Total Time15 minutes
Course: DIY
Cuisine: beauty, skincare
Keyword: cucumber face toner, diy face toner, homemade face toner
Yield: 1 spray bottle


  • 1 fresh cucumber
  • 1 lemon
  • 3 tsp rose water


  • Wash and cut the cucumber into smaller pieces and blend it into a smooth paste.
  • Strain the juice using a strainer.
  • Cut the lemon into two and squeeze one half into the cucumber juice.
  • Add 3 teaspoonfuls of rose water into it and stir.


This recipe contains lemon, so it is advisable to use it at night.
Disclaimer: The contents of this article are only intended for informational purposes only. Any information associated with this should not be considered as a substitute for prescription suggested by beauty, diet, and health care professionals. We may earn a commission if you make a purchase through our links but this is at no extra cost to you.

1 Comment

  1. February 11, 2022 / 3:21 am

    5 stars
    Thanks so much for impacting us with your knowledge and time you spend to do research we appreciate.

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