4 Ways To Match A Watch To An Outfit

Matching your watch to your outfits can seem like a challenge, but it really doesn’t need to
be. In fact, it’s all down to the dress code that will determine how you pick the watch for a certain outfit. If you want to learn how to choose a watch to wear with your clothes, read on!

How to match a watch to an outfit

1. Dressing It Down

Pairing a watch with a casual outfit takes some planning. An important point to be aware of is whether your watch has metal straps, and if it does, it’s bound to be a more informal timepiece. So, if you love metal bands, or your watch has one already, don’t be shy to wear it to casual events. It could even be your everyday watch!

On the other hand, a leather-strapped watch is versatile enough to wear with any kind of casual outfit, which is why they’re often the strap of choice. Collard shirts, t-shirts, boots and jeans all go well with any watch, so you don’t need to stress too much about the type of strap.

How to match a watch to an outfit

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2. Dressing It Up

When it comes to picking the right watch to go with a formal or business outfit, keep things simple. The goal is to go for something understated. It’s never a good idea that your watch draws much attention.

For an event such as a black-tie affair, you’ll do well with a simple dress watch. For instance, a silver or gold case with a simple black leather strap and a white dial is perfect. If you love vintage watches, you may also wear one for this event.

Also, classic, stainless steel pocket watches can still be popular amongst gentlemen today to wear in formal events.

A formal event is all about elegance, and that goes for your watch. And there’s nothing more elegant than an attractive watch that looks tastefully good and tells the time.

It’s much the same for business outfits. A silver or gold case works well in most instances, especially if you’re wearing a formal navy or black outfit for work. Again, you can’t go wrong with a leather strap.

pairing formal wear with a watch

3. Getting Sporty

While sports watches tend to be of bigger sizes than dress watches, unlike casual dress watches, sports watches are solely for sports. To make a casual watch more formal, you can just switch the leather strap for a metal strap, but you can’t do the same with a sports watch.

When it comes to matching an outfit to your sports watch, it’s all about the watch’s style. In these cases, you want something that’s rugged, reliable and durable rather than good looking.

You really don’t need anything elegant in such cases. The strap, case and dial should be made from durable materials that just don’t have the same shimmer and shine as a dress watch. However, the bands and straps of most sports watches can be replaced if you buy it here or from the brand you got the watch from.

Sports watches also work really well with casual attires. In these instances, pick a neutral coloured dial and metal or darker colour strap. Even a canvas strap works well!

man wearing a sports watch

4. Matching Leather Bands And Outfits

There’s an easy way to match a leather band with your fits, and that’s to match similar colours. For instance, a dark leather strap with black shoes and a black belt is perfect. The same goes for browns.

If you prefer metal straps, you can wear gold or silver straps with brown or black belts and shoes. Just remember that mixing blacks and browns don’t work! The whole idea is to be practical. Match like with like, colour with similar colour and you can’t go wrong.

Matching Leather Bands And Outfits
4 Ways To Match A Watch To An Outfit


  1. June 8, 2019 / 12:22 pm

    I found that it’s also easier if you stick to a specific colour story! It makes life easier and most things tend to go together then!


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