A lace front wig normally called lace wig is not made with all net (weft) at the base as the traditional way of making wig caps. It is made of sheer lace at the front of the wig that goes over the head, with strips of hair knotted in the lace by hand. Whiles the back of the wig still remains like the usual wigs with strips of hair sewn into wefts with machine.
Why choose lace front wigs
One reason why you should chooose lace front wig is that, it will be difficult for people to tell if it is your own hair or it is a wig. Once you wear a lace wig, it gives the appearance of a natural hairline, making it look so real. So when people see you, they can’t really make out the difference if it is your own hair or it is a wig.
Also, the appearance of the natural hairline makes styling lace front wigs so easy. You can style it in a low ponytail and you can even part the middle and make it look like your own natural hair.
Most front lace wigs have a lace of about 3 inches but if you want a more realistic natural lace wig, we suggest you go for one with the lace of about 6 inches. Just like the BestHairBuy lace front wigs. This gives the wig more versatility to style it different ways and it feels more comfortable on the scalp.
Wearing comfortable wigs is important because you need to take care of your natural hair whiles wearing a wig. Wearing a wig that is too tight will affect circulation to the hair follicles and this will inhibit hair growth and damage your hair.
Depending on how long you want to wear the lace wig, you can use a wig tape or wig glue to secure the lace front wig. The wig glue lasts longer than the wig tape.
360 lace wigs
The 360 lace wigs has lace that goes all around the head(360°) but it is not full lace as the upper or top part of the wig isn’t lace. With the 360 lace wigs you can wear your wig in a high ponytail and no one can tell it is not your natural hair. Just as the front lace wig, 360 lace wig is made with lace around the wig with hair knotted into it by hand. But the top part is weft.
BestHairBuy wigs are made with good quality hair, whether it is human hair or synthetic hair. Their wigs come in different lengths, colours and style. You can check them out for your wigs as they ship worldwide.
I really want a wig, my hair needs a break
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Thanks for sharing this post. I want a big curly hair ng wig.
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