The human eye is one of the most sophisticated lenses in the world and is the fastest when it comes to image perception and transitions frames per second. No other artificial lens can compete with the marvel that is the human eye. But in time, most people lose out on their vision, and it starts to dwindle.
The human eye is the most delicate sensory organ in the human body. Damage to the human eye could mean permanent blindness which can become unbearable for patients. Being born blind is one thing but losing your sight after having it is a terrible misfortune for anyone to live with. Early detection of eye defects and abnormalities is absolutely imperative for anyone. There are some with the passion to care for the human eye. Get your masters in optometry to help people in the fight against eye defects and other abnormal eye conditions. There are a number of things that can cause the human eye to be defective.
This could be because of age, genetics, or because of excessive stress on the eye. Using specs or contact lenses prescribed by opticians is the only option for those who eventually become nearsighted or farsighted.
An optician is different from an optometrist or an eye doctor and is someone who specializes in lenses and low vision gears and not the eye as such. An Optician can treat eye problems such as blurred vision or conduct offline or online vision tests and help the patients in choosing the right eye gear for proper vision.
Choosing an optician
An Optician is a qualified specialist who works with lenses and can manufacture lenses and set the right powers for them. An Optician can help patients in knowing their exact vision problems by diagnosing their power and recommending the right lens that would work best for them.
An optician can also help with people who have minor eye issues such as dry eyes due to vision strain and blurred vision due to incorrect vision aids. Below are four things that patients must look for when choosing an optician:
Vision correction
Most people suffer from either nearsightedness or farsightedness. Many young kids and adults have myopia because of the excessive use of mobiles, tablets, or laptops. Exposure to TV screens can also cause harm to the eyes and make their vision blurry and hazed. An optician is the right person to go to for identification of the power of the eye and for correcting vision issues.
Prescribing lenses
The role of an Optician is to prescribe, prepare and provide the right lenses that would be most suited for the unique requirement of the patient. Opticians can conduct eye tests using modern machines and traditional vision boards to identify the power of the eye and then use the various lenses with them to adjust the power and provide the right combination of the lenses.
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Minor eye issues
Eye problems caused due to exposure to blue light, excessive use of the screen, improper eye gear etc., can be treated by an optician without the need for medicines.
An optician can suggest lenses with blue light protection, which is less harmful to the eyes and prevents the blue light from entering the eye. Issues such as dry eyes can be prevented by using over-the-counter saline drops that are available from opticians.
Adjusting eye gears
An Optician has in store many kinds of low vision gears and regular eye gear such as spectacles, contact lenses, fancy colored lenses, etc. An optician can help in adjusting these eye gears and recommend new ones or the best eyewear for the particular requirements of the patient.
These are some of the roles of an optician, and while choosing an optician, a customer can keep in mind these functions of an optician. Always choose qualified and well-known opticians for eye requirements and visit good stores for purchasing vision aids.
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