Tips And Tricks To Look Younger And Healthy In Your 40s

happy young woman

Aging is a natural process everyone experiences, and you will start to show the signs of aging in your mind, on your face, and in your body as you grow older. Age really is just a number and there is no reason to let another year on the calendar get you down. Here are some tips and tricks to help you look younger and maintain your health while aging gracefully. 

How to look younger and healthy

1. Increase NAD+ with IV therapy 

Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) IV therapy is a type of intravenous treatment that can help your cells regenerate naturally. This coenzyme declines with age, but increasing its levels can reverse signs of aging, improve energy levels, boost metabolic function, and more.

As you receive an infusion, NAD binds with cells in your body, creating active enzymes it can use to metabolize fuel and revitalize cells. NAD IV in Portland utilizes a unique blend of vitamins to support brain health and reverse aging. Treatment can enhance your brain function and increase your energy. Mobile IV Medics, Drip Hydration, Alaya Care, and various other companies in the U.S. offer mobile NAD+ IV therapy in the comfort of your own home. 

2. Pamper your face

As you age, your skin starts to sag and show signs of sun damage and wrinkles. Taking proper care of your skin can make a huge difference. Committing to a regular cleansing and exfoliating regimen encourages your facial skin to produce more collagen to help new cells to grow and get rid of dead skin cells.

Using a cleanser that contains alpha-hydroxy acids helps to prime your skin for better absorption of moisturizers. Your daily moisturizer should contain sunscreen to protect your skin from UV rays. 

Collagen creams are often pretty pricey, but they are clinically proven to reduce wrinkles. You can expect your skin to look tighter and more toned after about 15 days of use. Anti-aging serums you leave on overnight usually contain antioxidants like resveratrol and Vitamin D and A.  

pamper your  face

3. Choose the right haircut and color

Your hairstyle can age you or make you look younger. Opting for a fringe of some kind is a way to hide lines on your forehead and draw attention to parts of your face that don’t age as quickly, like your lips and cheekbones. 

When you have dark hair, it can make any hair thinning more visible against a light scalp. It also casts shadows on your skin and makes your wrinkles more pronounced. If you lighten your hair color around your face with highlights or go two or three shades lighter with permanent color, it can make you look younger. 

More women are embracing gray hair today, but you can help prevent it from looking yellow or dull by using the right products, such as silver-specific shampoos and shine enhancers.

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4. Work on your body

There are some really simple ways to obtain and maintain a fit and healthy body. Your metabolism begins to slow down as you get older, so make a habit of eating breakfast to boost your metabolism and prevent unwanted weight gain.

If you already work out, add some strength training to your routine because it strengthens your bones and can prevent injuries. 

Exercise not only releases endorphins which give you a feeling of well-being but also circulates oxygen to all parts of your body and keeps you looking young and radiant. Exercise also boosts collagen production so your skin appears younger. It also makes you sleep better.

Six to eight hours of good sleep every night will help you to avoid dark rings under your eyes that can make you look much older.  

Speaking of metabolism, it also helps women over 40s to take supplements that will help aid digestion and maintain gut health. There are effective feminine probiotic capsules that promote this. Aside from the above benefits, they also prevent urinary tract infection and promote balanced pH levels.

5. Find ways to manage your stress

When you don’t manage your stress, it will age you quicker than just about anything else. Suffering from chronic stress over a long period of time causes unhealthy changes in your body. Less oxygen goes to your brain so you don’t think as quickly, and your cells die much faster. Chronically increased cortisol levels in your body can have many negative health effects. 

Learning breathing techniques can help you to release your stress. Try breathing in through your nose for four counts, holding your breath for four counts, and then releasing the breath for five counts. Pause for four counts before you breathe in again. This breathing exercise relaxes your heart, muscles, blood vessels, airways, and even your gastrointestinal tract. 

Tips And Tricks To Look Healthy And Younger In Your 40s


  1. January 27, 2022 / 2:45 pm

    Very good tips! And as for skin beauty, I would also recommend using a retinoid cream. By the way, It’s better to use over-the-counter retinol cream as it’s much weaker than prescription-strength retinoid cream, such as Retin-A.

  2. January 9, 2023 / 10:14 am

    Thanks for sharing. I will apply this tip of yours!

  3. March 18, 2024 / 10:13 am

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