Repotting Plants: A Step-By-Step Guide For Plant Growth And Health

Plant lovers often face a dilemma when their beloved green friends start outgrowing their pots. The signs are there – roots peeking out of the pot’s drainage holes, water pooling on the surface, or the plant simply looking too big for its britches. Repotting can seem daunting, especially if you’ve never done it before. But fret not, dear reader. 

This handy guide will walk you through the process step by step, ensuring your plants continue to flourish and enhance the aesthetic value of your living spaces. So, roll up your sleeves and get ready to dive into the fulfilling world of repotting plants.

Repotting Plants: A Step-By-Step Guide For Plant Growth And Health.
Image from canva

1. Recognize The Signs For Repotting

First and foremost, learn to discern when your plant is ready for a new home. Yes, you can significantly enhance your living space with plants, but overcrowded plants in small pots may not contribute to this aesthetic appeal. Besides, cramped roots can hinder plant health. 

A few telltale signs that your plant needs repotting are visible roots at the soil surface or emerging from the drainage holes, slowed growth, and soil that dries out quickly or stays waterlogged. By keeping a keen eye on these symptoms, you can ensure that your plant gets repotted at the right time.

2. Choose The Right Pot

Choosing the right pot is as crucial as recognizing when to repot. A good rule of thumb is to select a pot that’s one size larger than the current one. This gives the roots ample room to grow. 

Opt for pots with drainage holes to prevent water logging. The material of the pot also plays a role – terracotta pots are great for plants that prefer dry soil, while plastic pots retain moisture longer, suitable for plants that love moisture.

3. Prepare The New Pot

Before the repotting process begins, it’s essential to prepare the new pot. Wash it thoroughly to remove any dust, residues, or potential pathogens. For terracotta pots, soak them in water for a few hours to ensure they don’t absorb water from the soil.  

After cleaning, cover the pot’s drainage holes with mesh or broken pottery shards. This step prevents soil from washing out and ensures efficient drainage.

4. Remove The Plant From The Old Pot

This step requires a delicate touch. Water the plant a day before repotting, as it reduces stress and makes the process easier. To remove the plant from its old pot, hold it upside down, supporting the main stem in between your fingers. 

Gently tap the edge of the pot against a firm surface. If the plant doesn’t come out, don’t yank it out forcefully. Instead, use a knife to loosen the soil around the edges.

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5. Inspect And Prune The Roots

After successfully removing the plant, inspect the root ball. Healthy roots are firm and light in color. If you see any black, mushy, or smelly roots, they’re probably rotting and need to be pruned. This is also the time to untangle any circling or girdling roots to prevent future growth issues. Use a clean, sharp pair of pruning shears to do this job.

6. Place The Plant In The New Pot

Now, add fresh potting soil to the new pot. Make sure the soil you use is appropriate for the plant species. Place the plant in the center of the pot, ensuring it’s not too deep or too shallow. The top of the root ball should sit about an inch below the pot’s rim. This placement allows enough room for watering. 

7. Fill In With Potting Soil
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7. Fill In With Potting Soil

Once your plant is correctly positioned, fill in the sides with potting soil. It’s vital not to overpack the soil – light and airy soil helps the roots breathe and grow. Tap the pot gently on your work surface to settle the soil, and add more if necessary. However, leave some space at the top to make watering easier.

8. Water And Place In Suitable Location

Once your plant has been comfortably rehoused, it’s time to quench its thirst. This initial watering session plays a critical role in helping the fresh potting soil settle around the roots. It also aids in eliminating air pockets that could have been formed during the repotting process.

To do this correctly, water your plant slowly and evenly, ensuring the moisture reaches the entirety of the root system. If the water quickly runs through and out the drainage holes, it’s a sign that you might need to water a bit more slowly or give the soil a few minutes to absorb the water before continuing.

Once your plant is well-watered, it’s time to determine its new spot. Repositioning the plant in the right location is crucial for its post-repotting recovery.

Direct sunlight can be a bit too harsh for a freshly repotted plant. Therefore, you might want to place it in a spot that receives bright but indirect light for a week or two, allowing it some time to recuperate.

9. Post-Repotting Care And Regular Check-ins

A crucial step often overlooked is post-repotting care, which can significantly impact the survival and health of your plant. The repotting process, although beneficial in the long run, can be quite traumatic for the plant. So, providing the right care during this recovery period is essential.

For the first few weeks after repotting, you might want to pamper your plant a bit more than usual. Keep a check on the watering schedule – while some plants might need a little extra hydration, others might prefer to stay on the drier side. Remember to adjust your watering based on the plant’s needs and the prevailing weather conditions.


Repotting doesn’t have to be a complex task. With the right tools, a bit of knowledge, and some tender loving care, you can ensure your plants thrive in their new pots, contributing to their longevity and the aesthetics of your space.

As you engage more in this process, you’ll grow in confidence and find satisfaction in seeing your plants flourish. So, don’t shy away from repotting that plant that’s been pleading for more room to grow. 

Remember, a thriving plant is not just a sight for sore eyes, but a testament to your growing green thumb!


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