Pregnancy is one of the best things that can ever happen to a woman. Having a life growing inside of you is one of the wondrous works of God.
Once you discover you are pregnant, your mind immediately goes to keeping your baby safe. You start reading about things you can do and shouldn’t do whiles expecting. You get books and search online to find out more about how your baby is forming and the various changes that your body is going through and then you go to see your doctor to make sure that all is well with you and your growing baby. But that is not all.
Pregnancy is a long journey and not an easy one as such, this is why you need to rely on God to power you through your whole journey. We’ll take a look at some important prayer points for pregnant women.

Prayer points for pregnant women
Once you find out you are expecting, the very first prayer to say is a thank you prayer. Pregnancy is a beautiful thing but not everyone gets the opportunity to experience it. So if God has decided to make you a vessel for a new life, you have to give thanks to him for such an honor.
Pregnancy thanksgiving prayer
Father Lord, I thank you for giving me the opportunity to conceive this baby. I thank you for seeing me worthy of this beautiful miracle of new life. I pray for strength and good health throughout this pregnancy. I pray for the well-being of this baby growing inside of me. Guide and protect this child Oh, Lord. I come against any satanic attack against me and this child growing inside of me. Let this baby be a blessing unto my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen

Thank you for hearing my cry
Gracious Lord, I’m thankful for your favor upon me. Thank you for this beautiful gift of new life growing inside of me. Thank you for answering my prayers by blessing my womb with a child. I give you all the glory. I adore you Oh Lord. I bless your Holy Name. I cried unto you and you heard my cry. I prayed to you and you listened.
My heart is overjoyed and so I say thank you, Lord. I pray that you who gave me this baby will watch over me and the development of this baby. Carry us through the months and when it’s time for the baby to be born, give us the strength and safe delivery. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen

Pray for yours and your baby’s health
Your health is very important when it comes to pregnancy and your baby’s wellbeing. This is why it is important to pray for your health and your baby’s health. Your baby literally lives in you, you are like a house for your baby.
Anything that happens to you can and will affect your baby. So you have to pray over everything you do. Pray over your food, water, medication, and everything. Pray against any form of pregnancy complications. Ask for divine strength and good health throughout your pregnancy.
Pregnancy prayer for your health
Lord, I thank you for this new life growing inside of me, I pray that you give me good health and the strength to be able to carry this baby to full term. I pray against any evil attack on my health and that of this baby. I pray against any demonic arrow shot against me and this baby. Cleanse us with the Holy blood of Jesus Christ. By his blood, we are covered. By his blood, we are safe. By his blood, we are protected. Guide my actions throughout this pregnancy.
Help me not to do anything that will affect my health and the development of this baby. I sanctify anything I will consume with the blood of Jesus Christ. Whether it’s food, water, or medication, let it give me the strength and energy to go through this pregnancy. Thank you for hearing my prayers. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen

Pray against pregnancy complications and birth defects
A 280-day pregnancy journey is not an easy one. Each day comes with its own incidence, some days will be hard and others fun – but it will all be worth it. You have to pray to God that no matter what each day brings in your pregnancy, you and your baby will be alright. Pray against any pregnancy complications.
Also, pray against any form of birth defect. God created man in his own image with all our body parts because each part has its own work. So pray to God that just as he intended for man to look like, your baby is formed without any form of birth defects and deformities. Pray to God to help you avoid anything that can be harmful to the formation of your child.
Prayer against pregnancy complications
Gracious Lord, I thank you for your protection over my life and that of my baby’s. Because you are with me, I know I can trust in you with the health of my baby. I pray for an uncomplicated pregnancy. I pray against any form of sickness or disease that might affect my health and the health and development of this baby. Please shield and protect this little one.
I pray against any complications that will lead to a surgical operation. Please cover my baby and me with your mighty wings. And make it impossible for the enemy to attack us. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen

Prayer against birth defects
Father Lord, I thank you for this baby inside of me. I pray that you will watch over this baby and it’s development. I pray against any form of birth defect or deformity for this child. Your word says in Ephesians 4:16 that “from you, the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work”.
Father, standing on your words, I pray that my baby’s whole body be fully formed and knit together. Let each part of the body grow and work effectively. Let this baby be formed in your image, Father. Bless my womb with all the nutrition and nourishment that this baby needs to develop well.
I pray that my baby develops a healthy and intelligent brain. I pray that my baby’s heart be fully formed and full of love in Jesus’ name. I pray that my baby’s bones and spinal cord be strong and well developed in Jesus’ name. Please monitor the development of all parts of my baby. The eyes, the ears, the hand and feet, and every development. Let my baby be born with all the necessary fitness to live a normal life. Bless my child with good health. And when it’s time for him to be born, please give him the strength to come to this world, in Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen

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Prayer for high-risk pregnancy
Father Lord, I thank you for your guidance and protection over my life. I thank you for this gift of conception. Lord, the doctor has pronounced my pregnancy as high-risk. But I believe that with you there is no risk too high. I come before you this day with my life and the life of this little one growing inside of me. Please guide and protect us through these 9 months. I pray for divine health for me and my baby. Let your Holy Spirit be with us and monitor every stage of this pregnancy.
Let your wind of destruction drive away every agent of darkness that is working against this pregnancy. The doctor has said his piece but you Oh Lord, have the final say. What you say about me and my baby is what shall come to pass. And your word says in Exodus 23:26 that I will not miscarry and you will give me a full life span. Lord I claim your word in Jesus’ mighty name..; Help me carry this baby to full term. And when the time comes for baby to be born, grant me a safe delivery. Thank you for answering my prayers, In Jesus’ name I pray,

Pray for peace
During pregnancy, it is important to pray to God for peace. Pregnancy comes with its own fears and worries, especially for first-time mothers and high-risk pregnancies, but in all these, you have to remember that God is the one in control and you need not worry. Pray to God to grant you peace.
Worrying and stressing are not good for you on any day and it is definitely not good when you are pregnant. You have to make sure that you are not doing anything that will cause harm to yourself and your body.
Worrying and stressing have been linked to high blood pressure and that can be very bad for pregnant women. So do not be anxious, don’t worry, just pray and let the Lord carry you through the 9 months.
Pregnancy prayer for peace
Heavenly Father, Thank you for looking over me and this baby. Words can’t express how grateful I am to have this baby growing inside of me. Yet there’s also a part of me that worries about this pregnancy. Father, I know that worrying and stressing is not good for my health and that of my baby’s so today, I come before you for peace. Calm my anxious mind.
Let me not worry and stress about this pregnancy. Grant me with peace and serenity. Fill my heart with joy and songs of praise throughout this pregnancy. Give me the courage and confidence to go through this pregnancy. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen

Pray for your unborn child
You don’t have to wait for your child to be born before you start praying for him or her. From the day you find out you are pregnant, you can start praying for your child and the life they will come on earth to live.
Pray to God for guidance and protection for your child. Pray that they are filled with love for God and for all. Pray that they are good people who will do lots of good for their society. Pray for blessings for your child, tell God to establish them even before they are born.
Prayer for your unborn child
Father Almighty, I come before you today with this child you’ve blessed me with. Thank you for choosing me as a caretaker for this baby. Thank you for how far you’ve brought me in this 9 month journey. Thank you for the strength you’ve given my body to carry this treasure. I pray for your blessing on this unborn child. Your word says that even when we were in our mother’s womb you knew us.
Order the steps of my unborn child, Lord. Grant it good strength, good health, and grow this baby in the holy spirit. Take away any infant infirmities, any disorders, any malnutritions in the name of Jesus. Take away any evil plans of the devil concerning my unborn child. I speak grace, favor, riches, wisdom, strength, and power into the life of my unborn child. Thank you, Lord, for answering my prayer. Amen

Pray for your labor and delivery
The final stage of pregnancy can be very scary but there is nothing that God can not do. Pray for your labor and delivery. Pray for strength for yourself and for your baby. Your baby is going to journey down and those few hours can be very crucial. Pray to God to strengthen your baby as he moves him down.
Also pray for the midwives, doctors, and nurses who will be with you on that day. One mistake from these people can cause your life and or your baby’s life. So pray that God works through them to deliver your baby safely. Pray that God gives them peace and helps them to focus. Pray that they don’t go through anything in their life that can affect them when they are with you.
Prayer for safe delivery
Dear Lord, I thank you for this precious gift you have given me. I thank you for bringing me to the end of this amazing journey. I can almost see my newborn bundle of blessing now. I pray for safe delivery. I pray for a safe passage to this world for my baby. I pray for your favor during my delivery.
Help me stay strong through my labor. Please remove all obstacles out of my way during my delivery. I pray for all the professionals who will handle me during my delivery. Grant them the patience and attention to help me to a safe delivery. Thank you for answering my prayer, Amen.

Prayer for a woman in labor
Dear Lord, I thank you for helping me through this 9-month journey. I thank you for preserving this precious gift to this end. It is time for me to meet this new life you have blessed me with. I pray that you take me through my labor safely. Help me be strong through all the pain. Help me endure this difficult and draining moment. Preserve my life and give me a strong will to fight through my labor. Help me keep my focus on my new child. Help me hold my own through this period.
Help me show the strength to be there for my child. Help my body cope through this time. I remove any complications from my labor in the name of Jesus. I pray for anyone who will help me through this labor. Please give them the focus, attention, and professionalism to handle my delivery with care. Be my own doctor through my labor and give me my special gift in the name of Jesus. Thank you for answering my prayer, Amen
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I really appreciate am helped
I really appreciate and have enjoyed thanks so much
Thank you so much for curating this beautiful prayers. You are indeed such a blessing to this world mama!
Thank you so much for giving us thus gift of wonderful pregnancy prayers, EMMANUELLA AMOAKOWAA! You are such a kind-hearted soul, a true blessing to this world and you have no idea how much you’ve helped and strengthened our faith. God bless you and your blog. More power!